Here you'll get the question papers of Object-Oriented Analysis & Design of 6th semester - Diploma in Computer engineering - CTEVT

Internet/Intranet (Elective-II) - Question Paper 2075 :

Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training
Office of the controller of Examinations
Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Regular/Back 2075 Shrawan / Bhadra

Program : Diploma In Computer Engineering
Year/Part : III/II
Subject : Internet/Intranet (Elective-II)

Full Marks: 80 | Pass Marks 32 | Time: 3hrs.

Attempt Any Eight Questions.

1. Define client and servers. Explain the various types of delay and loss in packet-switched networks. [4+6 Marks]

2. Discuss about HTTP message format with clean diagram. [10 Marks]

3. Define FTP. Explain about FTP commands and replies. [10 Marks]

4. Discuss the need of DNS in an internet/intranet environment. Also explain the service provided by domain name system. [10 Marks]

5. Describe UDP segment structure. Write down the uses, advantages and disadvantages of UDP. [4+6 Marks]

6. Differentiate between private key and public key cryptography with suitable diagram. [10 Marks]

7. Explain the features of IPv6. How it is different from IPv4 ? [10 Marks]

8. Define internet. Write down the the resources and services of intranet along with its benefits and usage.

9. Write short notes on : (any two)

        a) Sub-netting
        b) E-Marketing
        c) Types of firewall
        d) Telnet

**The End**